Thursday, March 22, 2007

Note to Elizabeth Edwards

Mrs. Edwards.

My wife and I were sad to hear about your cancer diagnosis today. We understand the "alarm mode" you talked about at Chapel Hill, and we truly sympathize with you and your family. We hope that all of you can find privacy when you need it and that you can always count on the comfort of one another. We wish you the best in the fight of your life.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The "Vote Different" Ad on Youtube

Well, the guy that posted the famous 1984ish political ad on Youtube depicting Senator Hillary Clinton in Big Mother mode has outed himself... probably in preparation for the book deal and the TV Movie. Turns out it wasn't Senator Obama's campaign or even some evil Republican that done the dirty deed. Obama supporter, Phil De Vellis claims all the altruistic responsibility today at the Huffintonpost.

Phil may be proud of himself for his little flick and for boldly going where no citizen has gone before... but I'm just bored with it. In my invisible opinion, political ads of any origin are rubbish and offer nothing but half truths to the voter. I think that they do more harm than good. I'd rather see the candidates (all of the candidates) debating with very little moderating. Aren't most people sick of political ads by now, or is it just me?

On second thought, maybe it'd actually be better to confine ALL political ads to Youtube.

Thanks and a hat-tip to Taos Eddy for posting the link to the Huffintonpost on Newzap.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hell NO, Don't Stop the War

I really, really hated to see my country go to war in Iraq. I had liberal friends that decided that it was a good idea way before I did. Of course, they were raised in privilege and protected from the outside world their whole lives, and I doubt that any of them ever had a callous, let alone been shot at. I like my lefty pals, but in my opinion, they can't understand that there are societies out there that don't respect life nearly as much as our society does. Yes we have problems, but we aint exactly the worst group of humans on the planet.

I'm not saying that we are any better than anyone else on the overall societal goodness scale... it happens that different cultures have different ways of measuring such things, and who is to say which is best. In the end, the most successful society will flourish on the earth and will write history books outlining how terrible the vanquished societies were.

Unlike the self-loathing wing of the left (you know who you are), I happen to like my society. I don't see it as any better than the others, and it's certainly no worse. I like America and I like most Americans. I like things the way they are... well, winning the Powerball could make the house a little warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. I am not your enemy, my fellow American, but you have an enemy.

Which brings me to my point. If you think that our society is worth preserving, maybe its time you got off your ass and started saying that, and started doing something productive in that direction. I believe that we have something here worth preserving... worth fighting for, and I believe that there are millions of Islamic people calling for either our conversion or our death. Their religious zealots are much more dangerous than our religious zealots and they have no respect for you, or me, or even their own people. We are in a war whether you like it or not. Leaving Iraq will not stop it and someday soon you or your children will either be fighting or kissing the assess of these people. They have proven their bravery and determination. They have told us to our faces what they plan to do. Will our privileged, smug, well-educated society be able to answer the challenge, or will our young country become a footnote in a Muslim history book?

That's my opinion, and you're certainly entitled to yours (for the time being, at least). For another valid opinion, read some of the short writings of Ayaan Hirsi Ali for a woman's view of Islam. Ms Ali is somebody who knows more about these things than Delaware Watch (yes there are other people who know stuff). In, Faced with Radical Islam, Europe is in Danger of Decay, she writes:

When I was a child in Somalia, under the tree where she braided, my grandmother told us stories and asked us questions, in order to know if we had understood the concept: being able to recognize the enemy, in particular. She told me: “It’s a very useful instinct. If you don’t know what you have to fear, you will not survive.” And when she caught me in flagrante delicto of incomprehension, she called me doqon! This word means two things: being foolish and naïve. We said, in Somalia: “Stupid like a date palm tree!” Dates from that tree are treasures, and the one who loses them is an imbecile.

No, Europe is not traumatized by Islam, but she is like a date palm tree which despoils itself, foolish and naïve. Things fall. She remains inert. Worse, she gives freedom to the enemies of freedom. At the heart of your beautiful West, it is the right-thinking people with a socializing tendency who do this the most, in the spirit of pacifism, voluntary blindness and conformism, when confronted with the rise of fundamentalism, when confronted with the aggressiveness of radicals, when confronted with the dangers of communitarianism. Stupid. Like the date palm tree. Please: don’t be doqon.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Capital School District Referendums

Yesterday I was amazed to learn that a friend of mine had not voted in the Capital School referendum on March 7th. For the sake of concealing his identity from the person who visits this blog every week or two, I'll call this friend "Sal". Now Sal is a guy who has been known to complain for hours on end about liberals and CNN and taxes and democrats and such. In other words, a more vocal, better spoken, highly passionate, and further right version of BobbyDoodle.

So there I was, cubicaled and poised for discussion first thing on Thursday morn... the day after. "Sal", I hollered. "What do you think of the outcome of yesterday's referendum?"

Looking up from his flat screen, Sal's retort wasn't what I had expected by a long, long, long shot. "Darn" (expletive omitted), "was that yesterday?"

It seems that the bad weather had him involved with other things and as Sal put it, his brain is getting old.

It's really in the school's best interests to keep these referendums as quiet as possible. They broadcast it heavily to the parents, and that's surely their preferred demographic. They hold it at the schools and, from what I've read on the Newszap forums, they may be inviting parents in for a free lunch on referendum day. Those that vote for these referendums are very organized so, all in all, the cards are stacked against Sal and me, and maybe you too.

Next referendum, I will remind Sal that he needs to vote. Sal will remind Mrs. Sal and one or two others. If you want me to remind you, send me an email, and I'll do my very best.

I hope that Capital School District puts all that new money to good use for the sake of education. I hope that they are smart enough to handle that money correctly, and I hope that they are as careful with it as I would have been, had they not taken it from me. Understanding the built-in dumbness of government, I don't believe that they are capable of actually doing any of that. And there is always the Alfreda Dean factor. Anyway, the money is theirs now, and all thoughts at Capital can be turned to the next referendum. Hold onto your wallet, my friend.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Capital School District Will Have Its Way

Well, they've done it again, Capital School District has raised our property taxes. Property owners in the District will be paying 13 Million dollars to satisfy the "needs" of the District for a year or two, just until the next referendum (and at least two more have been promised on the heels of this one).

Dr. Thomas and his overpaid staff have not been managing money as effectively as I have had to do this winter, I can promise you. Our hard-earned dollars are just easy money to them, and they've already shown their contempt for the taxpayer.

Lets hope that the State Auditor continues to watch Capital District staff to dissuade another Alfreda Dean moment. I've just seen Auditor Thomas Wagner posing in the William Henry Middle School newsletter February 2007 edition, and I'd feel much better if he kept an "all business" relationship with the schools of Capital. We need you watching them, Mr. Wagner... they can't be trusted to do it themselves. Please keep a discreet distance, sir.